Interpretable machine learning decodes soil microbiome’s response to drought stress

Michelle Hagen, Rupashree Dass, Cathy Westhues, Jochen Blom,Sebastian J. Schultheiss, Sascha Patz

Environmental Microbiome(2024)

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Extreme weather events induced by climate change, particularly droughts, have detrimental consequences for crop yields and food security. Concurrently, these conditions provoke substantial changes in the soil bacterial microbiota and affect plant health. Early recognition of soil affected by drought enables farmers to implement appropriate agricultural management practices. In this context, interpretable machine learning holds immense potential for drought stress classification of soil based on marker taxa. This study demonstrates that the 16S rRNA-based metagenomic approach of Differential Abundance Analysis methods and machine learning-based Shapley Additive Explanation values provide similar information. They exhibit their potential as complementary approaches for identifying marker taxa and investigating their enrichment or depletion under drought stress in grass lineages. Additionally, the Random Forest Classifier trained on a diverse range of relative abundance data from the soil bacterial micobiome of various plant species achieves a high accuracy of 92.3
Metagenomics,Machine learning,SHAP values,Differential abundance analysis,Soil microbiome,Drought stress
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