Presurgical circulating platelet-derived microparticles level as a risk factor of blood transfusion in patients with valve heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery.

Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Societe francaise de transfusion sanguine(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Cell-derived microparticles (MPs) are membrane vesicles that have emerged as a potential biomarker for various diseases and their clinical complications. This study investigates the role of MPs as a risk factor for blood transfusion in patients with valve heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery. METHODS:Forty adult patients undergoing heart valve surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were enrolled, and venous blood samples were collected prior to surgical incision. Plasma rich in MPs was prepared by double centrifugation, and the concentration of MPs was determined using the Bradford method. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to determine MPs count and phenotype. Patients were divided into "with transfusion" (n = 18) and "without transfusion" (n = 22) groups based on red blood cell (RBC) transfusion. RESULTS:There was no significant difference in MPs concentration between the "with transfusion" and "without transfusion" groups. Although the count of preoperative platelet-derived MPs (PMPs), monocyte-derived MPs (MMPs), and red cell-derived MPs (RMPs) was higher in "without transfusion" group, these differences were not statistically significant. The preoperative PMPs count was negatively correlated with RBC transfusion (P = 0.005, r = -0.65). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the count of CD41+ PMPs, Hemoglobin (Hb), and RBC count were risk factors for RBC transfusion. CONCLUSION:This study suggests that the presurgical levels of PMPs, Hb, and RBC count can serve as risk factors of RBC transfusion in patients with valve heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery. The findings provide insights into the potential use of MPs as biomarkers for blood transfusion prediction in cardiac surgery.
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