ARKOMA dataset: An open-source dataset to develop neural networks-based inverse kinematics model for NAO robot arms


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The inverse kinematics plays a vital role in the planning and execution of robot motions. In the design of robotic motion control for NAO robot arms, it is necessary to find the proper inverse kinematics model. Neural networks are such a data -driven modeling technique that they are so flexible for mod-eling the inverse kinematics. This inverse kinematics model can be obtained by means of training neural networks with the dataset. This training process cannot be achieved with-out the presence of the dataset. Therefore, the contribution of this research is to provide the dataset to develop neu-ral networks-based inverse kinematics model for NAO robot arms. The dataset that we created in this paper is named ARKOMA. ARKOMA is an acronym for ARif eKO MAuridhi, all of whom are the creators of this dataset. This dataset contains 10 0 0 0 input-output data pairs in which the end -effector position and orientation are the input data and a set of joint angular positions are the output data. For further ap-plication, this dataset was split into three subsets: training dataset, validation dataset, and testing dataset. From a set of 10 0 0 0 data, 60 % of data was allocated for the training dataset, 20 % of data for the validation dataset, and the re-maining 20 % of data for the testing dataset. The dataset that we provided in this paper can be applied for NAO H25 v3.3 or later.(c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( )
NAO robot arms,Robotic motion control,Inverse kinematics,Data -driven modeling technique,Neural networks,Training dataset,Validation dataset,Testing dataset
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