Robust Multi-Agent Communication With Graph Information Bottleneck Optimization


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Recent research on multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has shown that action coordination of multi-agents can be significantly enhanced by introducing communication learning mechanisms. Meanwhile, graph neural network (GNN) provides a promising paradigm for communication learning of MARL. Under this paradigm, agents and communication channels can be regarded as nodes and edges in the graph, and agents can aggregate information from neighboring agents through GNN. However, this GNN-based communication paradigm is susceptible to adversarial attacks and noise perturbations, and how to achieve robust communication learning under perturbations has been largely neglected. To this end, this paper explores this problem and introduces a robust communication learning mechanism with graph information bottleneck optimization, which can optimally realize the robustness and effectiveness of communication learning. We introduce two information-theoretic regularizers to learn the minimal sufficient message representation for multi-agent communication. The regularizers aim at maximizing the mutual information (MI) between the message representation and action selection while minimizing the MI between the agent feature and message representation. Besides, we present a MARL framework that can integrate the proposed communication mechanism with existing value decomposition methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is more robust and efficient than state-of-the-art GNN-based MARL methods.
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Graph neural network,multi-agent reinforcement learning,graph information bottleneck optimization,communication learning
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