Affective and interactional polarization align across countries


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Political polarization plays a pivotal and potentially harmful role in a democracy. However, existing studies are often limited to a single country and one form of polarization, hindering a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena. Here we investigate how affective and interactional polarization are related across nine countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA). First, we show that political interaction networks are polarized on Twitter. Second, we reveal that out-group interactions, defined by the network, are more toxic than in-group interactions, meaning that affective and interactional polarization are aligned. Third, we show that out-group interactions receive lower engagement than in-group interactions. Finally, we show that the political right reference lower reliability media than the political left, and that interactions between politically engaged accounts are limited and rarely reciprocated. These results hold across countries and represent a first step towards a more unified understanding of polarization.
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