Standard process for moving from a relational database model to NoSQL

2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)(2023)

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The standard process for moving from a relational database model to NoSQL can be a challenging project, but it can also have great benefits for organizations looking to scale and improve their performance. This paper aims to make a proposal for future work in which a methodology can be defined for this process that is important when moving from a relational database to a NoSQL database. Taking into account that the need to process large volumes of information efficiently, and there are many advantages of using NoSQL databases, that is why the first point of this research is to make a comparison of relational databases (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) with the main purpose of marking the main differences, as well as the review of several relevant works of the proposed topic and thus establish a proposal that serves as a basis for future work to establish a methodology with steps to follow and to carry a SQL model to a NoSQL.
Database,NoSQL,SQL,Relational,Non-relational,Standar Process
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