A Fluent Calculus approach to aid decision making in Succession Law

2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)(2023)

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The Brazilian Law of Succession covers several rules and exceptions that cause confusion among lay people and even by law operators. In addition, for some situations the legislation is silent and it is up to the judiciary to decide according to the specific case, thus making this matter even more complex and difficult to elucidate. The reasons for wanting to formalize the Law of Succession with the help of formal language and the creation of systems capable of inferring assumptions in situations with a high load of rules and restrictions are countless. Formalization improves the exact and specific understanding of a text because it helps highlight ambiguities, unintended readings or interpretations, increases accurate understanding and avoids misinterpretation of legal text arising from frequent amendments and revisions of legislation and jurisprudence. This results in an expansion of access to information, productivity growth, information qualification, better control of deadlines, increased efficiency and cost reduction. This work explores, therefore, a formalization of knowledge and legal reasoning of Succession Law through an approach known as Fluents Calculus, highlighting possibilities and limits in the automation of tasks in the area.
fluent calculus,knowledge representation,right of succession,legal automation
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