Reviewing Fault Diagnosis Methods in Electric Drives: Power Subsystem and Electrical Machine

2023 IEEE 24th International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials (EDM)(2023)

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This paper provides a review of popular fault diagnosis methods in the power subsystem and electrical machine of electric drives. The review aims to explore the different approaches used to detect faults in these components and the most common types of faults encountered in electric drives. The paper first provides an overview of the power subsystem and electrical machine and their respective functions within the electric drive system. It then proceeds to discuss the different types of faults that can occur in these components, including overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, and short circuits. The review evaluates the various fault diagnosis methods available for these components, including model-based, signal-based, and artificial intelligence-based approaches. Model-based approaches use mathematical models of the system to detect and diagnose faults. Signal-based approaches rely on the analysis of measured signals to detect changes in system behavior that indicate a fault. Artificial intelligence-based approaches use machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in data and detect faults. Model-based approaches are highly accurate but can be computationally intensive. Signal-based approaches are less computationally intensive but may be less accurate in certain situations. Artificial intelligence-based approaches are versatile but require significant amounts of data for training. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in fault diagnosis methods for the power subsystem and electrical machine of electric drives. The review concludes by suggesting potential areas for future research to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of fault diagnosis methods for electric drives.
Fault diagnosis,Electric drives,Power electronics,Electrical machine,Overvoltage,Undervoltage,Short circuits,Model-based approaches,Signal-based approaches,Data analysis
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