Effect of Combustion Conditions on Combustion Characteristics of Poor Quality Anthracite Coal

Linxing Wu, Hua Rao, Ai Jun Wu, Wei Du, Gang Qian,Xiaozhong Yan

2023 8th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE)(2023)

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To investigate the effect of combustion conditions on the combustion characteristics of anthracite coal, the combustion characteristics of anthracite coal at different fineness, oxygen concentrations and heating rates were experimentally analyzed by using dynamic thermogravimetric analysis. The results show that : changing the fineness has a greater influence on the ignition of pulverized coal. The finer the fineness, the lower combustion temperature, and the better the combustion performance. The change of oxygen concentration has little effect on the pre-ignition stage of anthracite samples, but has a strong effect on the combustion stage after ignition; the higher the oxygen concentration, the lower the combustion temperature, the faster the combustion, and the more stable the combustion process. Under the condition of changing the heating rate, the reaction of pulverized coal will be hysteresis, which shows that the higher the heating rate, the higher the ignition temperature and combustion temperature. As the heating rate increases, the ignition temperature and combustion temperature become higher, and the temperature rise rate has some influence on the pre-ignition stage and a great influence on the combustion stage. Decreasing the fineness of pulverized coal, increasing the oxygen concentration and increasing the heating rate can enhance the combustion characteristics of anthracite coal.
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Key words
anthracite,oxygen concentration,fineness,heating rate,combustion characteristics
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