A 0.2THz Convergence Angular Radial Extended Interaction Oscillator

Y. Li, Y. Dong,S. Wang, Y. Gong

2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)(2022)

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A 0.22THz convergence-angular radial extended interaction oscillator is proposed in this paper. The convergence-angular radial cavity has higher characteristic impedance and lower loss area than sheet beam cavity. And the current density of the convergence-angular radial beam will increase along the propagation. The cavity consists nine gaps and the operating mode is 2π mode. The Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation results show that the peak output power of the oscillator can reach 870 W at 222 GHz, under the conditions of lossy metal (Copper, conductivity of 5.8×107 S/m) and angular radial beam (21.5 kV, 0.6 A). As the working voltage changes from 19.5kv to 21.5kv, the output power changes from 121w to 870w, and the frequency changes from 222.28GHz to 222.53GHz.
particle-in-cell simulation,current density,sheet beam cavity,characteristic impedance,convergence angular radial extended interaction oscillator,convergence-angular radial beam,convergence-angular radial cavity,frequency 0.22 THz,frequency 222.0 GHz,electrical conductivity 107.0 S/m,current 0.6 A,frequency 222.28 GHz to 222.53 GHz,frequency 0.2 THz,voltage 19.5 kV to 21.5 kV,power 121.0 W to 870.0 W
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