The Performance Optimization of Approximate Minimum Spanning Tree for The Different Mobility Model

Haripriya V,Shashikala H. K

2023 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE)(2023)

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A minimum spanning tree (MST) is a type of graph algorithm used to find the optimal solution for connecting nodes in a given network. It is used in sensor networks to connect the sensors in a given area efficiently. The MST algorithm finds the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in the network, thus minimizing the energy cost of communication. The MST algorithm starts by finding the shortest path between two nodes. It then expands the search to find the shortest paths between all other pairs of nodes. To do this, the algorithm considers the weights of all the edges connecting the nodes and finds the path with the lowest total weight. The approximate minimum spanning tree algorithm is a variation of the classic MST algorithm. This algorithm uses heuristics to reduce the running time of the algorithm. It eliminates certain paths that do not contribute to the overall optimal solution. By eliminating these paths, the approximate MST algorithm can quickly find the optimal path without sacrificing the quality of the path. The approximate MST algorithm is used in sensor networks to quickly find the optimal paths between nodes. This algorithm can be used to reduce energy costs associated with communication and ensure that the most optimal path is chosen. It is also useful for finding the shortest paths between multiple nodes in a given area.
minimum spanning tree,optimal solution,sensor,efficiently,MSR,minimize,shortest path
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