Intelligent Hybrid System of Collective Architectural Design Based on Genetic Algorithm

Liya Mai,Chang Liu, Siguang Huo,Yongkang Chen, Jianfeng Xiao

2023 2nd International Conference on 3D Immersion, Interaction and Multi-sensory Experiences (ICDIIME)(2023)

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Due to its advantages of appropriate scale and high overall cost performance, the collective building occupies a very important position in the housing market, especially in small and medium-sized cities, where multi-storey houses almost dominate the whole country. Based on the analysis and research of the basic knowledge such as expert system, knowledge base, language, etc., an intelligent hybrid system of collective architectural design is established, which is mainly composed of expert system and interface standard of knowledge base. The definition of fitness function of GA (Genetic Algorithm) takes into account the classification accuracy of the constructed fuzzy classification system and the number of fuzzy rules at the same time. On this basis, the rule redundancy caused by data distribution is continuously deleted to obtain the final classification system. The GA set comprehensive optimization model of architectural decision-making design scheme is established, and the effectiveness of this method in architectural decision-making design is verified by an example.
GA,Collection of buildings,Intelligent hybrid system
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