Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems Based on Tissue-Like Numerical Membrane Computing Model

Jun Liu, Leiya Wang, Guobin Yang,Gexiang Zhang

2023 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC)(2023)

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The conventional serial computing mode of each agent in multi-agent systems will cause time-delays and reduce the state convergence rate of multi-agent systems, which urgently need a more efficient computing mode in an unknown environment. Since the maximum parallelism of membrane computing can provide a full parallel computing mode, tissue-like numerical P systems(TNPSs) inspired by cell-like numerical P systems and conventional tissue-like P systems are proposed for multi-agent systems to reach consensus in this paper. Firstly, tissue-like numerical membrane computing model(TNMCM) is first proposed in this paper, where a distributed cooperative parallel computing method is adopted in TNMCM. Secondly, the model of multi-agent systems based on TNMCM is established to analyse consensus. Finally, the consensus of multi-agent systems based on TNMCM is reached, which is verified by numeric simulations, and the simulation process is executed in PeP and MATLAB.
consensus,multi-agent systems,TNPSs,TNMCM,cooperative parallel computing
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