
Feature Extraction of Motor Imagination EEG Signals for a Collaborative Exoskeleton Robot Based on PSD Analysis

Yunfeng Wu, Junze Li, Zichen Ren,Bo Lu,Changzhu Zhang, Peng Qi

2023 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC)(2023)

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The integration of brain-machine interface and exoskeleton robot has been widespread application in gait correction, walking assistance, and numerous other scenarios. To effectively extract the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal features of motor imagery while wearing an exoskeleton, this study proposes a frequency band pre-determination method based on power spectral density (PSD) that enables common spatial patterns (CSP) to extract features from the frequency band with the highest energy in the EEG. The signal power spectral density of all channels is obtained at or near the average frequency of the maximum short interval frequency component energy. A second round of filtering is performed on the data, and the signal components are used as input for the subsequent feature extraction step. The CSP method extracts features from the spatial domain signal and generates feature maps. Finally, Support Vector Machines (SVM) are utilized to classify the EEG signals. Based on the pre-set gait of the exoskeleton robot and the motor imagery paradigm, feature extraction and classification of motor imagery EEG data during exoskeleton use were conducted, with an average accuracy rate of 77%. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in extracting the motor imagery EEG features during exoskeleton use.
EEG,PSD,Exoskeleton Robot,Feature extraction
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