Split-Ring Resonator Sensor for Detecting Water Content in Biological Systems

2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/URSI)(2022)

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A new method is proposed to determine the relative water moisture content in biological materials, based on a split-ring resonator (SRR) design. A microwave SRR utilizes capacitive coupling to create a focal point at which a resonance frequency is susceptible to modulation in the presence of a dielectric material. The SRR can transmit signals through a biological system, such as a juvenile tree stem. Then, the transmission data obtained can be used to calculate the relative permittivity of the tree by analyzing a resonance shift in the SRR sensor. This method is non-invasive and reduces measurement time compared to conventional methods. Relative water moisture content is standard practice to determine the amount of available water within a tree relative to its maximum hydration capacity. The results herein show that this sensor design can successfully track water content non-invasively via dielectric material characterization and can prove to be very useful in biological applications such as dehydration prevention.
split-ring resonator sensor,biological system,relative water moisture content,biological materials,split-ring resonator design,microwave SRR,resonance frequency,juvenile tree stem,relative permittivity,resonance shift,SRR sensor,available water,sensor design,water content noninvasively,dielectric material characterization,biological applications
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