Optically-transparent meta-window for wireless communication


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Circumventing the attenuation of microwaves during the propagation is of prime importance to wireless communication towards higher carrier frequencies. Here, we propose a scheme of wireless communications via a functionalized meta-window constructed by an optically-transparent metasurface (OTM) consisting of indium tin oxide (ITO) patterns. When the signal is weak, the OTM can significantly strengthen the signal by focusing the incoming waves towards the windowsill, thus substantially enhancing the network speed. The intensity enhancement of microwaves at 5 GHz via an OTM is verified by both numerical simulations and experiments. Furthermore, the ability to increase the data transfer rate in a 5-GHz-WiFi environment is directly demonstrated. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of applying an optically-transparent meta-window for enhancing wireless communications. (c) 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Key words
wireless communication,optically-transparent,meta-window
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