Characterization of Wave Features Based on Momentum Sources of Sphere Structure

2023 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS)(2023)

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Wave is one of the most prevalent physical phenomena within the vast expanse of the ocean. The simulation of Wave holds significant importance within the realm of hydrodynamics. In this manuscript, a numerical wave tank model is formulated, employing the concept of spherical structures as a source of momentum. This model serves to simulate the processes of wave generation and absorption within the numerical wave tank. Furthermore, a distinct procedure is established for the superimposition of waves, utilizing the dual momentum sources offered by the spherical structure model. Experimental endeavors are conducted to create waves based on the aforementioned momentum source, aiming to validate the rationality of the numerical outcomes. The results reveal that the average amplitude of waves after superimposition is roughly twice that of the initial state, while the distribution of wave frequencies remains unaltered throughout the superimposition process. It is confirmed that the waves generated by the dual momentum source of the spherical structure adhere to the principle of wave superimposition, corroborating the findings of numerical simulations. Consequently, this method of wave generation furnishes insights for simulating wave conditions under natural marine circumstances.
Wave tanks,Numerical models,Physical models,Wave-making tests,Wave reflection
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