A Method for Modeling DC Potential Fields in Charged Lossy Dielectric Media

Jinghe Li, Ming Liang

2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China)(2023)

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Numerical modeling of the DC potential field for mise-a-la-masse (MALM) method in a lossy dielectric medium is of particular interest to geophysics researchers. In this paper, we propose a numerical technique for modeling DC potential fields in charged lossy dielectric media. A numerical solver of charged current transportation is firstly presented using finite different method, then the DC potential is integrated from all unit current element with Legendre function polynomial. A new formula of electrical resistivity calculation is also proposed for MALM surveying. This new technique is verified through comparisons with numerical cases and field surveys. The numerical results agree well with the water tank experiment measured data, variations in charged locations, electrical properties, and rotations. A realistic example of the application of this new method in the field of mineral exploration is presented. The basic problem formulation is quite general, but it is directly applicable in MALM surveying as a geophysical technique where the DC potential produced by charged lossy dielectric media is of interest.
Potential field,lossy dielectric media,MALM,numerical solution,resistivity
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