Investigating Net-Zero Microgrids for Facilities: A Case Study for Idaho National Laboratory

Bikash Poudel, Jeremiah Gilbert,Timothy R. McJunkin, Ian L. Archibald,Kurt S. Myers,Ning Kang, Thomas M. Stoops, Michael H. Auble, Kenneth A. Barnes, Samuel R. Dixon

2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)(2023)

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The concept of net-zero carbon microgrids (NZMs) has received significant interest in recent years considering its promises to provide both energy resilience and carbon reduction. This paper investigates the practical constraints of NZM deployment in a government facility, exploring various cases revolving around the objectives of cost, emission, and energy resilience. The technoeconomic results for one of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) facilities are discussed to identify a practical and economic approach to achieve the net-zero target considering both present and future scenarios. The study shows the carbon reduction, resilience, and economic success of net-zero initiatives are tied directly to the energy portfolio of its electricity provider. The NZMs typically required a hybrid mix of renewable generation and storage assets to maximize onsite clean generation and to provide reliable power during grid outages. Besides supporting the ongoing net-zero effort at INL, this work also provides a framework that can be directly used in other facilities aspiring to become a net zero in the future.
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