Impact Analysis of Time-of-Use pricing enabled Electric Vehicle charging to the uncoordinated charging on a Distribution Network

Muhammad Abeer Sohail, Rashna Khan, Syed Hammad Mukhtar,Ahmad Usman

2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)(2023)

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Increased adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) result in appearance of high energy demand clusters in a distribution network. This has adverse effects on the distribution network resulting in voltage drop, increased losses, overloading of distribution feeders, transformers, and critical components. This results in degradation of power quality and network stability. In this work, a modified IEEE 13 bus system has been used to model and simulate 11 kV distribution grid using the actual network parameters, network topology, and an identified cluster region, based on the information from a distribution company in Pakistan. A scheduling strategy for EV charging using the the time-of-use pricing (ToUP) mechanism is devised and compared to the uncoordinated EV charging approach. The performance evaluation of these strategies for various degrees of EV penetration has been conducted and new challenges are identified.
Electric Vehicles (EVs),Power Distribution Grid,Transformer Loading,Feeder Stress,Uncoordinated Charging,Coordinated Charging,Peak Power Demand
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