Control of Hydrothermal Power System Development of Hybrid Controller for Load Frequency

Sivaramakrishnaiah,Arvind Sharma, Jadapalli Sreedhar, Moazzam Haidari,Hemavathi S,MotiLal Rinawa

2023 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems (ICICACS)(2023)

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Power supplies used by most present power conversions including motor drive systems produce non-sinusoidal current. Unwanted harmonics in non-sinusoidal currents wreak havoc on a grid's supply chain. Other equipment that relies on the same power source is negatively impacted. An AC-DC converter that permits bi-directional power flow, improves input power factor, and minimises chromatic frequency and perturbation in the system's power supply is the subject of this study. The converters' total efficiency is improved because to the bi-directional function, which enables them to collect regenerative energy from loads and feed it back into the power supply. Electric operated robots, elevators, and other large-scale industrial driving systems might all benefit greatly from this converter.
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Key words
Hydrothermal Power System,Hybrid Controller,Load Frequency
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