Data Visualization for Corona Patients Globally using Real-Time APIs

S. Durai,M. Mohamed Iqbal, S Niresh Kumar, Chockalingam Alagappan

2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS)(2023)

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All the nations’ administrative units are concerned about the COVID-19 outbreak in different regions of the world. India is also trying to control the spread of the virus with strict measures and has managed to slow down its growth rate. The administration of each country faces the challenge of maintaining records of corona patients. To address this challenge, this work builds a website from scratch using real-time APIs for data visualization. The website provides information on the number of active cases, death cases, recovery cases, and total cases of COVID-19 patients in each country. The data can be visualized using graphs, making it easier to compare the situation in different countries. The website allows for monitoring which country has a higher number of deaths, patients, favorable recovery rates, and a large number of active cases. The COVID-19 status regarding patients can be analyzed through graphical representation using real-time data.
Visualize,Covid-19,Active,Recovered,Death,Patient’s Data,Analyze,Real-time Data
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