Research on Interactive Mode and Strategy of Adjustable Load Demand Response Blockchain

2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2022)

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On the traditional demand-supply interaction platforms, the connection between demand response aggregators and users are fixed. aggregators and users are fixed. The load aggregator usually manages data as a communication center and is in charge of creating plans for the allocation of demand response resources for several consumers. If the load aggregator jointly and maliciously tampers with the demand response data, causing the user to lose the incentive benefits, or the user changes the instrument data without authorization to obtain improper incentives, it will cause the DR trust crisis. Therefore, establishing a user interaction mode based on distributed demand response interaction system is essential. In this paper, the adjustable load demand response blockchain interoperability model is firstly established, and then designs and analyzes a blockchain interoperability strategy to improve reputation. As an example, it was found that blockchain interoperability strategies with higher reliability values have higher DR success rates than Blockchain interoperability and conventional demand-response interoperability techniques.
demand response,blockchain,interoperation,reputation improvement
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