Discussion on Security and Stability Control Technology Adapted to New Power System

Xia Haifeng,Lai Yening,Yan Yunsong, Liu Qiang,Li Mingying, Jiang Zhe

2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2022)

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Building a new electric power system that is based on new energy sources is an important measure for peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. It is also the development direction of China's power system transformation and upgrading. The large-scale integration of new energy into the grid will lead to a significant increase in the fluctuations on both sides of the source and load, which will bring major challenges to the balance adjustment and flexible operation of the power system. The stability characteristics, security control and production mode of the power system will be fundamentally changed, and the security operation of the power grid will face greater risks. Starting from the status quo of power system security and stability control technology, this paper introduces the characteristics and challenges of the new power system, analyzes the new requirements for the operation control of the new power system, and focuses on the online refresh technology of the stability control strategy, the precise load control technology, and the adaptation to "active". The low-frequency and low-voltage load shedding technology of power distribution network and the broadband oscillation emergency control technology of power electronic power grid are four aspects. And proposes the development direction of the new power system security and stability control technology.
new power system,new energy,security and stability control,online pre-decision,precise load control,broadband oscillation
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