Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Laptop Selection: A Case Study

2023 3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON)(2023)

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This article uses the well-known multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) theory to determine which laptop is the best among those that are currently on the market. To illustrate the importance of decision-making in a class of 25 students, data on laptop features was gathered for this case study. The following eight factors were considered while choosing an option: price, weight, RAM, camera megapixels, screen size, clock speed, operating system, and laptop appearance. SAW and WPM determine the optimal laptop alternative. To rank laptop qualities, identical weights are applied. The suggested work displays laptop rankings derived by SAW and WPM methods. Future engineers and management may benefit significantly from this straightforward decision-making process. More important attributes/criteria and alternatives may be taken into account, and there are a variety of weighting techniques from which to choose. The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating user preferences and real-time market data to ensure personalized and up-to-date laptop recommendations. Through this approach, users can make well-informed decisions that align with their specific needs and environmental considerations.
MCDM,Decision Making,Laptop,SAW,WPM
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