Getting Smarter with Fatrix: A Facial Recognition Access Control System

Asia Mohamud Ayub,Raenu Kolandaisamy, Kay Hooi Keoy

2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA)(2023)

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The Library of private university has an RFID access control system. Such systems are popular door-entry solutions that can manage access in and within buildings and commercial properties. However, it has many security issues ranging from network and hardware attacks to loss of data integrity, privacy, and confidentiality. Besides, the system implements ID cards to store the confidential information of users and the cards can be stolen and misused by unauthorized users. In this paper a robust facial recognition access control system entitled FATRIX is proposed. The system can provide smart user authentication using facial features and machine learning algorithms plus data analytics to visualize the number of students in the building and the peak hours in which the highest number of students visit the library.
AI,facial recognition,machine learning,RFID,access control systems
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