
C/X band Frequency Reconfigurable Patch Antenna Based on Solid State Plasma S-PIN

2023 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT)(2023)

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This study proposes a patch antenna design that can operate at both C-band and X-band frequencies, with the ability to reconfigure its frequency using a single S-PIN (Surface-PIN) unit structure and on-chip TSV (Through Silicon Via) technology. The antenna is based on an etched slotted patch design and is excited using a bottom-fed method. The chip is made of a silicon substrate with an S-PIN solid-state plasma, and the ground layer is printed on a copper high-frequency PCB (Printed Circuit Board) substrate material. The metal and dielectric characteristics of the S-PIN diode are used to control the effective radiation length and impedance matching of the antenna, enabling frequency reconfiguration. The high/low-frequency impedance matching is achieved through a single port, and the addition of the ground layer enables unidirectional radiation and reduces the impact of the feed junction and bias circuit on the antenna's radiation performance. The bias circuit is placed on the bottom layer to minimize its impact on the radiation performance of the antenna.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed patch antenna design is capable of frequency-reconfiguration across C/X band, making it suitable for use in a variety of applications that require flexible frequency operation.
bias circuit,copper high-frequency PCB substrate material,effective radiation length,etched slotted patch design,flexible frequency operation,frequency reconfigurable patch antenna,frequency reconfiguration,frequency-reconfiguration,ground layer,on-chip TSV,patch antenna design,Printed Circuit Board,radiation performance,S-PIN diode,S-PIN solid-state plasma,silicon substrate,single S-PIN,solid state plasma S-PIN
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