An Error Estimation Method for Cooperative Detection Based on Bayesian Posterior

Hua Xu, Yufei Liu,Yilin Liu,Pengfei Jiang

2023 5th International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing (ICMSP)(2023)

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In cooperative detection, the error would be highly nonlinear because of the different characteristics of platforms and sensors' error, which makes it difficult to obtain the optimal coordinates based on detection results from multiple platform. In this paper, a Bayesian posterior error estimation method for cooperative detection is designed. Based on designed Bayesian method, a reasonable analysis of the detection error is carried out. The first detection result is taken as a priori for the second detection in order to improve the accuracy of error estimation. The simulation verified that the variance of cooperative detection error is significantly reduced and reaches sub-meter level.
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Key words
Bayesian,cooperative detection,error estimation,unmanned swarm,information fusion
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