Integrated Project for Data Communication in Wireless Sensor Network

Charanjeet Singh, S. Jayakumar, Kiran Venneti, P. Ponsudha,Sumit Kushwaha, P. Elizabeth Kalpana

2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI)(2023)

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Various sorts of applications, such as those that are event-driven, continuous, or question-driven, may need different levels of traffic in wireless sensor networks. One of the key testing challenges in these applications is continuous transport. Yet, due of the harsh systems administration environment near a hub, many specialists usually use a different approach from regular networks. Multihops are used by static WSNs as a whole to communicate data from sensor hub to sink. When the sensor hub closest to the sink is used more frequently and loses energy more quickly, it fades away first, severing the connection to the sink and causing the entire operation to fail. Moreover, by offering hubs controlled mobility, it may be possible to reduce the number of leaps necessary to sink from a hub, hence reducing communication errors. This article focuses on two general application regions: a combat zone where two-way data communication between the chief and fighters is necessary and where both the chief and fighters may have limited versatility; the states of heartbreaking region, where static sensor hubs are sent in heartbreaking region and a portable sink specialist moves around in a predefined way outside the limit. In both situations, flexible WSN is required to provide the systems administration. In these particular circumstances, we recommend suitable design and data communication.
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Integrated Project,Data Communication,Wireless Sensor Networks
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