Fuzzy maturity model for Smart Manufacturing Readiness: Industry 5.0 perspective

2023 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC)(2023)

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Over the past ten years, there has been a significant emphasis on Industry 4.0, with a focus on smart manufacturing that integrates cyber and physical components. However, in hindsight, it appears that the hype around Industry 4.0 has not met industry expectations due to implementation challenges arising from underdeveloped technologies. Today, Industry 5.0 proposes a human-centric approach to implementing digital sustainable technologies for the achievement of resilient production. Even though the Industry 5.0 concept is still in its infancy, manufacturing companies, especially from the automotive sector, must have a certain degree of readiness to start the implementation of smart manufacturing. Therefore, this research is proposing the fuzzy-rule-based maturity model for assessing the readiness for smart manufacturing implementation. It is achieved by the development of a fuzzy expert system based on criteria based on three main Industry 5.0 pillars, namely: sustainability, resilience, and human-centricity. Finally, the fuzzy maturity model is proved in the case company from the process industry.
fuzzy expert systems,Industry 5.0,maturity model,smart manufacturing
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