Characterization of N+ Abundances in the Terrestrial Polar Wind Using the Multiscale Atmosphere‐Geospace Environment

R. M. Albarran,R. H. Varney,K. Pham,D. Lin

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics(2024)

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AbstractThe High‐latitude Ionosphere Dynamics for Research Applications (HIDRA) model is part of the Multiscale Atmosphere‐Geospace Environment model under development by the Center for Geospace Storms NASA DRIVE Science Center. This study employs HIDRA to simulate upflows of H+, He+, O+, and N+ ions, with a particular focus on the relative N+ concentrations, production and loss mechanisms, and thermal upflow drivers as functions of season, solar activity, and magnetospheric convection. The simulation results demonstrate that N+ densities typically exceed He+ densities, N+ densities are typically ∼10% O+ densities, and N+ concentrations at quiet‐time are approximately 50%–100% of N+ concentrations during storm‐time. Furthermore, the N+ and O+ upflow fluxes show similar trends with variations in magnetospheric driving. The inclusion of ion‐neutral chemical reactions involving metastable atoms is shown to have significant effects on N+ production rates. With this metastable chemistry included, the simulated ion density profiles compare favorably with satellite measurements from Atmosphere Explorer C and Orbiting Geophysical Observatory 6.
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