Retracted: Automated Inspection System of Underground Pipeline

P. Saranya, B. Dhanalakshmi,V. Praveena,K. Karpagavadivu,A. Kalaiarasi

2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)(2022)

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Pipeline networks are an important part of our contemporary infrastructure. Pipeline networks must be monitored and inspected on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to perform safely and efficiently. In this project an automated underground pipeline inspection system is constructed to ensure whether the pipeline carrying any sort of material through it will work in efficient manner or not. If any crack occurs in the pipeline due to any natural disaster, the system will spot the exact location and provide indication to the end user. By this indication, the right measure at right time has to be taken to avoid wastage of material. This system runs on the concept of two ways linked state namely, modified forward - backward chaining methods and modified in- line and out-line measuring approach. These two methods go with hand in hand so the system can give as much accuracy, effectiveness, error free, latency free and low cost. With the computational approach given by our proposed system maintenance and servicing will be easy and there will be very less chance of defect occurring in pipeline. Detection of fault can be done in a fraction of seconds and it is applicable for the day to day life. By using this technique there is no need to dig the unwanted area to find the fault.
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