Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network for COVID19 Screening using X-Rays Images

Mera Kartika Delimayanti,Anggi Mardiyono,Bambang Warsuta, Eka Suci Puspitaningrum,Rizqi Fitri Naryanto, Agustien Naryaningsih

2023 International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering (ICCoSITE)(2023)

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Various unwelcome conditions have existed since the introduction of the novel coronavirus illness (COVID-19). COVID-19 can cause fever, muscle soreness, shortness of breath, cough, headache, and other symptoms. Diagnosis at an early stage is a crucial aspect of successful treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to seek out alternate methods for COVID-19 detection. Among the existing imaging resources, X-ray images are generally accessible and inexpensive. Consequently, an alternate diagnostic tool for detecting COVID-19 instances is provided using available resources. In the first stages of COVID-19, X-rays detected the disease before it spread to the lungs and caused more damage. Machine learning models can help clinicians accomplish jobs more quickly and accurately. In addition to chest X-ray pictures and fundus images, deep learning algorithms have been used to diagnose illnesses. This research was conducted to classify the X-ray chest images in COVID-19 and normal cases based on the public datasets which were used. This analysis uses 5600 images from the accessible resources, and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture with the VGG16 algorithm was employed to diagnose COVID19. VGG16 is object identification and classification method that can classify with greater precision than most other deep learning algorithms. Transfer learning and fine-tuning were employed to help for improving the performance. The results showed that the VGG16 network had an accuracy of 98.13%. This research has implications for the early detection of COVID-19 by using X-ray images. The experiment and analysis reveal our suggested method's promising and stable performance compared to the current standard.
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Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),Covid19,Deep learning,VGG16,X-Rays Images
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