Image encryption using One Dimensional Chaotic Map and transmission Through OFDM system

2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)(2023)

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It is important to prevent unauthorized access to data whether it is being transferred over a wireless network or stored on a personal computer. The incorporation of secure and highly dependable digital data, required to transmit from source to destination over a communication channel, is becoming more and more important for modern wireless communications. Confidentiality is achieved in two levels, the first occurs at the data level, while the second occurs at the network level. Data-level security employs cryptographic techniques. This paper proposed a simple algorithm and 1D chaotic map have been cascaded to get a high efficiency as complex algorithms or multi-dimensional chaotic maps. n this study, a variety of encryption techniques, including a cipher and permutation algorithms, are combined with the OFDM system to establish a secure image transmission over an AWGN channel. Security analysis is performed to evaluate the quality and security of the encryption process. For image transmission evaluation, the PSNR and BER are utilized. According to the statistical results, the proposed image encryption scheme is secure and efficient. Comparison with the previous studies is taking place, which shows this system is competitive with previous works.
image encryption,chaotic,OFDM,secure,transmission
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