IoT Network Intrusion Detection Using Ensemble Learning Approach

2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)(2023)

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a sophisticated paradigm in which a vast number of items are networked together. These interconnected gadgets create a network of intelligent systems that exchange data without the need for computer or human-to-computer communication. These devices gather important data that has the potential to significantly alter society, industry, and the entire planet. Still, in the extremely hostile terrain of the internet, the reality of IoT is vulnerable to innumerous cyber-attacks. Because IoT bias have a low processing power and storehouse capacity, traditional high- end security results aren’t suitable for securing an IoT system. The IoT bias are also connected for longer ages of time without mortal-intervention.This highlights the need to produce smart security results that are movable , dispersed, and have a long service life. It’s further practical to install security results for network data as opposed to per- device security for numerous IoT bias. When dealing with miscellaneous data of colorful sizes, artificial intelligence propositions like Machine Learning and Deep Learning have formerly demonstrated their significance. In order to support this, we delved the ensemble literacy approach in this study.Finally, we’ve suggested the optimum network design suitable for the IoT Intrusion Detection System grounded on the estimated criteria . This innovative study beat the performance issues of conventional ways with an delicacy rate of97.68.
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Key words
Intrusion Detection System,IoT,Machine Learning,neural network
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