Efficient Method to Monitor Power Consumption in Industry Using Lorawanand Rs485 Retrofit

Kavin Kumar K, Devi Karunambiga V, Thurai Raaj V B,Rohith Bhat C, Senthilkumar C,Neelam Sanjeev Kumar

2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)(2023)

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In this modern era usage of each and every component depends on electric power. Monitoring of power consumption plays a vital role. The main objective of this paper is power monitoring system. LoRaWAN is used for long range wireless communication. A smart meter, also known as an advanced metering system, is a digital metre that is able to measure power consumption. Energy meters with an integrated Serial RS-485 Modbus interface are used that allows data to be stored in cloud. The output recorded from energy meter will be send to cloud using LoRaWAN gateway. The values like voltage, frequency, power factor, Apparent power, current, Voltage to line to line, Voltage to line to Neutral and reactive power are noted.All these values are stored in cloud and analysed using python platform. Reading from Textile industry with three floor was observed for a month. Using the data maximum power consumed day is identified. After identifying the day, the energy meter reading of each component of that particular day is monitor. That data consists of power consumed by each and every component in that particular floor. With the help of that data the component that consumes maximum power can be identified. If a component consumes more power, then there is some defect in that component, with the help of this analysis the defect in that component will be rectified.
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LoRa-WAN,RS485 Retrofit,Energy Meter
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