Erasure-cooling, control, and hyper-entanglement of motion in optical tweezers


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We demonstrate how motional degrees of freedom in optical tweezers can be used as quantum information carriers. To this end, we first implement a species-agnostic cooling mechanism via conversion of motional excitations into erasures - errors with a known location - reminiscent of Maxwell's demon thought experiment. We find that this cooling mechanism fundamentally outperforms idealized traditional sideband cooling, which we experimentally demonstrate in specific scenarios. By coherently manipulating the motional state, we perform mid-circuit readout and mid-circuit erasure detection of an optical qubit via local shelving into motional superposition states. We finally entangle the motion of two atoms in separate tweezers, and utilize this to generate hyper-entanglement by preparing a simultaneous Bell state of motional and optical qubits. This work shows how controlling motion enriches the toolbox of quantum information processing with neutral atoms, and opens unique prospects for metrology enhanced by mid-circuit readout and a large class of quantum operations enabled via hyper-entanglement.
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