Finite Width of Anyons Changes Their Braiding Signature.

K Iyer, F Ronetti, B Grémaud,T Martin, J Rech, T Jonckheere

Physical review letters(2024)

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Anyons are particles intermediate between fermions and bosons, characterized by a nontrivial exchange phase, yielding remarkable braiding statistics. Recent experiments have shown that anyonic braiding has observable consequences on edge transport in the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). Here, we study transport signatures of anyonic braiding when the anyons have a finite width. We show that the width of the anyons, even when extremely small, can have a tremendous impact on transport properties and braiding signatures. In particular, we find that taking the finite width into account allows us to explain recent experimental results on the FQHE at filling factor 2/5 [M. Ruelle et al., Phys. Rev. X 13, 011031 (2023)PRXHAE2160-330810.1103/PhysRevX.13.011031]. Our work shows that the finite width of anyons crucially influences setups involving anyonic braiding, especially when the exchange phase is larger than π/2.
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