MLLM-Bench: Evaluating Multimodal LLMs with Per-sample Criteria

Wentao Ge, Shunian Chen, Guiming Hardy Chen,Zhihong Chen,Junying Chen, Shuo Yan, Chenghao Zhu, Ziyue Lin, Wenya Xie, Xinyi Zhang, Yichen Chai,Xiaoyu Liu,Dingjie Song,Xidong Wang, Anningzhe Gao,Zhiyi Zhang,Jianquan Li,Xiang Wan,Benyou Wang


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Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) (e.g., GPT-4V, LLaVA, and Claude-3) have broadened the scope of AI applications. Yet, evaluating their performance presents a significant challenge owing to the inherently subjective nature of tasks that do not yield clear-cut solutions especially for those open-ended queries. Existing automatic evaluation methodologies are mainly limited in evaluating objective queries without considering real-world user experiences, inadequately addressing the nuances of creative and associative multimodal tasks. In our paper, we propose a new evaluation paradigm for MLLMs, which is evaluating MLLMs with per-sample criteria using potent MLLM as the judge. To validate the feasibility and effectiveness of this paradigm, we design a benchmark, dubbed MLLM-Bench, with the evaluation samples across six critical levels following the revised Bloom's Taxonomy with the ethical consideration. We benchmark 21 popular MLLMs in a pairwise-comparison fashion, showing diverse performance across models. Moreover, the validity of our benchmark manifests itself in reaching 88.02% agreement with human evaluation. We contend that the proposed paradigm explores the potential of MLLMs as effective evaluation tools with the help of per-sample criteria, and that MLLM-Bench will serve as a catalyst for encouraging the development of user-centric MLLMs tailored to real-world applications. Our benchmark data, online leaderboard and submission entry are at
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