Microplastics ingestion and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by breeding seabirds in the east tropical Atlantic: Associations with trophic and foraging proxies (615N and 613C)


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In this study we found that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) were omnipresent in a tropical seabird community comprising diverse ecological guilds and distinct foraging and trophic preferences. Because EDCs tend to bioaccumulate within the food web and microplastics can absorb and release harmful chemical compounds, our findings draw attention to the potential threats to wildlife. Thus, the goal of this study was to investigate the role of plastic ingestion, trophic and foraging patterns (615N and 613C) of five tropical seabird species breeding in sympatry, on the exposure to EDCs, namely Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (MeO-PBDEs) and personal care products (PCPs, e.g., musk fragrances and UV-filters). Results indicated that microplastics occurrence and EDCs detection frequency varied among species. Microplastics occurrence was higher in species with dual and coastal foraging strategies. Preen oil had higher levels of MeO-PBDEs and PCPs, while serum had higher levels of PBDEs. In brown boobies, the correlation between microplastics and n-ary sumation PBDEs levels was significant, suggesting that microplastics ingestion is a key PBDEs route. Trophic position (delta 15N) plays a key role in PBDEs accumulation, particularly in Bulwer's petrel, which occupies a high trophic position and had more specialized feeding ecology than the other species. MeO-PBDEs were linked to foraging habitat (delta 13C), although the link to foraging locations deserves further investi-gation. Overall, our findings not only fill key gaps in our understanding of seabirds' exposure to microplastics and EDCs, but also provide an essential baseline for future research and monitoring efforts. These findings have broader implications for the marine wildlife conservation and pollution management in sensitive environments, such as the tropical regions off West Africa.
PBDEs,Isotopic ecology,Cabo Verde,Preen oil,Serum,Plastics' chemical origin
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