Photonic Bound States in the Continuum in Nanostructures


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Bound states in the continuum (BIC) have garnered considerable attention recently for their unique capacity to confine electromagnetic waves within an open or non-Hermitian system. Utilizing a variety of light confinement mechanisms, nanostructures can achieve ultra-high quality factors and intense field localization with BIC, offering advantages such as long-living resonance modes, adaptable light control, and enhanced light-matter interactions, paving the way for innovative developments in photonics. This review outlines novel functionality and performance enhancements by synergizing optical BIC with diverse nanostructures, delivering an in-depth analysis of BIC designs in gratings, photonic crystals, waveguides, and metasurfaces. Additionally, we showcase the latest advancements of BIC in 2D material platforms and suggest potential trajectories for future research.
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bound states in the continuum,nanostructures,2D materials
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