TransHSI: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Method for Disjoint Sample-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification

Ping Zhang,Haiyang Yu, Pengao Li, Ruili Wang


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Hyperspectral images' (HSIs) classification research has seen significant progress with the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformer blocks. However, these studies primarily incorporated Transformer blocks at the end of their network architectures. Due to significant differences between the spectral and spatial features in HSIs, the extraction of both global and local spectral-spatial features remains incomplete. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a novel method called TransHSI. This method incorporates a new spectral-spatial feature extraction module that leverages 3D CNNs to fuse Transformer to extract the local and global spectral features of HSIs, then combining 2D CNNs and Transformer to capture the local and global spatial features of HSIs comprehensively. Furthermore, a fusion module is proposed, which not only integrates the learned shallow and deep features of HSIs but also applies a semantic tokenizer to transform the fused features, enhancing the discriminative power of the features. This paper conducts experiments on three public datasets: Indian Pines, Pavia University, and Data Fusion Contest 2018. The training and test sets are selected based on a disjoint sampling strategy. We perform a comparative analysis with 11 traditional and advanced HSI classification algorithms. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method, TransHSI algorithm, achieves the highest overall accuracies and kappa coefficients, indicating a competitive performance.
hyperspectral image (HSI) classification,spectral-spatial features,self-attention,convolutional neural network (CNN),Transformer
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