Pesticide-Induced Inflammation at a Glance

Monica Lopes-Ferreira, Luiz Rogerio Ludwig Farinha, Yasmin Stefanie Oliveira Costa,Felipe Justiniano Pinto,Geonildo Rodrigo Disner, Joao Gabriel dos Santos da Rosa,Carla Lima


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The increasing number of studies reporting the risks of the exposure to pesticides aligned with the intensified use of such hazardous chemicals has emerged as a pressing contemporary issue, notably due to the potential effects to both the environment and human health. Pesticides, while broadly applied in modern agriculture for pest control and crop protection, have raised concerns due to their unintended effects on non-target organisms. The immune system exerts a key role in the protection against the exposome, which could result in cellular imbalances and tissue damage through the inflammatory response. Pesticides, which encompass a diverse array of chemicals, have been linked to inflammation in experimental models. Therefore, the aim of this review is to discuss the increasing concern over the risks of pesticide exposure focusing on the effects of various chemical classes on inflammation by covering, as broadly as possible, different experimental approaches as well as the multiple or co-exposure of pesticides. Overall, pesticides potentially induce inflammation in different experimental models, manifested through skin irritation, respiratory impairment, or systemic effects. The connection between pesticides and inflammation highlights the importance of proper handling and regulation of these substances and underscores the need for research into safer and sustainable practices to reduce our reliance on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
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Key words
herbicide,fungicide,insecticide,immune system,immunotoxicity,xenobiotics
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