Modular Optimization-Based Roundoff Error Analysis of Floating-Point Programs.

Static Analysis: 30th International Symposium, SAS 2023, Cascais, Portugal, October 22–24, 2023, Proceedings(2023)

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Modular static program analyses improve over global whole-program analyses in terms of scalability at a tradeoff with analysis accuracy. This tradeoff has to-date not been explored in the context of sound floating-point roundoff error analyses; available analyses computing guaranteed absolute error bounds effectively consider only monolithic straight-line code. This paper extends the roundoff error analysis based on symbolic Taylor error expressions to non-recursive procedural floating-point programs. Our analysis achieves modularity and at the same time reasonable accuracy by automatically computing abstract procedure summaries that are a function of the input parameters. We show how to effectively use first-order Taylor approximations to compute precise procedure summaries, and how to integrate these to obtain end-to-end roundoff error bounds. Our evaluation shows that compared to an inlining of procedure calls, our modular analysis is significantly faster, while nonetheless mostly computing relatively tight error bounds.
roundoff error analysis,optimization-based,floating-point
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