Analysis and judgment matrix for an online training course for teachers from Brazilian public schools on preventing the use of alcohol and other drugs in the school context.

Kellen Cristina Da Silva Gasque,Claudia Flemming Colussi, Jonatas Reis Bessa Da Conceicao,Diego Diz Ferreira, Luana Silvestre Pereira Dos Santos,Josué Miguel De Oliveira,FrançOis Isnaldo Dias Caldeira, Rebeca Chabar Kapitansky, Alexandro Rodrigues Pinto,Luciana SepúLveda KöPtcke

International Conference on Education and E-Learning(2022)

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The issue involving use of alcohol and other drugs (UAOD) requires the articulation of intersectoral policies aligned towards the prevention and reduction of harm related to use. With this in mind, the Brazilian Ministry of Justice has proposed training for elementary and high school teachers in public schools, in order to prepare the entire school community to work on preventing and containing damage to the UAOD, especially in the school context. In order to verify if the objectives of the course were achieved and, considering the complexity and different actors involved in the theme, a matrix previously produced to evaluate online courses offered by the Ministry of Health was adapted for this course on UAOD, called online course on health and education. school security. We present in this article the adaptation of this matrix, which included the elaboration of a logical model and a logical theoretical model, in addition to Rationales on the main terms and subjects related to the evaluation items. Final AJM is composed 4 dimensions, 13 sub-dimensions, 49 indicators and 104 measures. The matrix underwent evaluation by experts. After validation, the matrix items were used to build a questionnaire to be applied to the graduates of the course. After validation, the matrix items were used to build a questionnaire to be applied to course graduates, in offers 6 and 7. Three experts were invited to assess this questionnaire. The agreement index used was the Content Validity Coefficient (CVC), which allowed the analysis of Clarity, Pertinence and Relevance of each item. A total of 1110 graduates responded to the questionnaire. Matrix allows to know if the learning objectives were achieved, about the engagement of the course participants, the involvement of the course participants and ther key actors of the school (such as parents of students, the management community, organizations, etc). In addition, it is possible to know the school context of the course participants and whether the course is suitable for the realities experienced in their territories. Possibly, this matrix can be used in other contexts if it is translated, validated and receives some adaptations in relation to the context items, according to the specificities of the territories of the students of the evaluated courses.
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