19th Compiler-Driven PerformanceWorkshop.

CASCON '22: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering(2022)

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In 2002 the late Laurie Hendren, from McGill University, suggested that there should be a venue for researchers and developers in the area of compilers in Canada to meet and talk about their most recent relevant work. Laurie suggested that the IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference (CASCON) would be a good venue for it. As was typical of Laurie’s style of getting things done, she immediately delegated the responsibility of organizing such an event. We recruited Bob Blainey, then with IBM Canada, to be the third co-chair of the first CDP, along with J. Nelson Amaral, from University of Alberta. That first edition attracted many good quality talks and there were more than one hundred people attending the first event in a room that was too small for it. CDP became an important part of many CASCON experiences over the years. The name of the workshop, Compiler-Driven Performance, was inspired on a talk given by Kevin Stoodley at the time which demon-strated that a significant portion of the performance advances achieved when a new version of a processor was delivered was actually achieved by advances in compiler technology that helped explore new featues in the processor architecture. The workshop has been a great success and a gathering place for compiler research and development, including several professionals from the USA, and even from Brazil, over many years. It became a known venue for the presentation of recent relevant work. The format of the workshop, where we do not require the submission of manuscripts, do not publish proceedings, and do not require the presentation of original work, enables researchers and devel-opers to present their most recent work in progress or the most recent relevant work. The close scrutiny of the presented worker by developers from active compiler teams ensures that often new insights are revealed during the question-and-answer part of each presentation. After a hiatus of two years because of the pandemic, we are excited with the return to in-person presentations and discussions at the 19th edition of CDP. The new venue in downtown Toronto brings uncertainty but also brings new possibility for interactions. The program for ths edition features discussions about intermediate representations, program transformations, program specialization, code specialization, testing, improvements to machine learning, and web-based representations. We are looking forward to welcoming old and new friends at the workshop.
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