In-Place Virtual Exploration Using a Virtual Cane: An Initial Study.

Richard Yeung,Oyewole Oyekoya,Hao Tang

ISS Companion '23: Companion Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces(2023)

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In this initial study, we addressed the challenge of assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision (BLV) in familiarizing themselves with new environments. Navigating unfamiliar areas presents numerous challenges for BLV individuals. We sought to explore the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) technology to replicate real-world settings, thereby allowing users to virtually experience these spaces at their convenience, often from the comfort of their homes. As part of our preliminary investigation, we designed an interface tailored to facilitate movement for BLV users without needing physical mobility. Our study involved six blind participants. Early findings revealed that participants encountered difficulties adapting to the interface. Post-experiment interviews illuminated the reasons for these challenges, including issues with interface usage, the complexity of managing multiple interface elements, and the disparity between physical movement and interface use. Given the early stage of this research, these findings provide valuable insights for refining the approach and improving the interface in future iterations.
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