Gathering as Design Process: Physical Prototyping for Culturally Sustaining Computational Technologies.


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To address pressing issues of bias and black boxing embedded in technologies and their underlying computational models, scholars call for inventing and employing design processes that invite participation from those whose lives are shaped by these technologies. In response, we reimagine not only how technologies and their models are designed, but also who designs them. We present our work toward developing the concept of gathering as a design process that invites physical prototyping as an important mechanism in developing culturally sustaining technologies. Gathering is inspired by “Hui,” an ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Hawaiian language word translated as: to band together, assemble, organize. We share our ongoing journey of inventing and engaging in gathering and present four characteristics of gathering as a design process. Our work has implications for how we design new forms of technology toward more equitable futures, especially by making visible decision making and sensemaking that occurs throughout the design process.
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