Spin-orbit coupling in a half-filled $t_{2g}$ shell: the case of $5d^3$ K$_2$ReCl$_6$

P. Warzanowski, M. Magnaterra, G. Schlicht, Q. Faure,Ch. J. Sahle, P. Becker, L. Bohatý,M. Moretti Sala, G. Monaco, M. Hermanns,P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, M. Grüninger


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The half-filled $t_{2g}$ shell of the $t_{2g}^3$ configuration usually, in LS coupling, hosts a S = 3/2 ground state with quenched orbital moment. This state is not Jahn-Teller active. Sufficiently large spin-orbit coupling $\zeta$ has been predicted to change this picture by mixing in orbital moment, giving rise to a sizable Jahn-Teller distortion. In $5d^3$ K$_2$ReCl$_6$ we study the electronic excitations using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and optical spectroscopy. We observe on-site intra-$t_{2g}$ excitations below 2 eV and corresponding overtones with two intra-$t_{2g}$ excitations on adjacent sites, the Mott gap at 2.7 eV, $t_{2g}$-to-$e_g$ excitations above 3 eV, and charge-transfer excitations at still higher energy. The intra-$t_{2g}$ excitation energies are a sensitive measure of $\zeta$ and Hund's coupling $J_H$. The sizable value of $\zeta \approx$ 0.29 eV places K$_2$ReCl$_6$ into the intermediate coupling regime, but $\zeta/J_H \approx 0.6$ is not sufficiently large to drive a pronounced Jahn-Teller effect. We discuss the ground state wavefunction in a Kanamori picture and find that the S = 3/2 multiplet still carries about 97 % of the weight. However, the finite admixture of orbital moment allows for subtle effects. We discuss small temperature-induced changes of the optical data and find evidence for a lowering of the ground state by about 3 meV below the structural phase transitions.
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