Calibration Unit Design for High-Resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization (HISPEC)


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The latest generation of high-resolution spectrograph instruments on 10m-class telescopes continue to pursue challenging science cases. Consequently, ever more precise calibration methods are necessary to enable trail-blazing science methodology. We present the High-resolution Infrared SPectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization (HISPEC) Calibration Unit (CAL), designed to facilitate challenging science cases such as Doppler imaging of exoplanet atmospheres, precision radial velocity, and high-contrast high-resolution spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets. CAL builds upon the heritage from the pathfinder instrument Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) and utilizes four near-infrared (NIR) light sources encoded with wavelength information that are coupled into single-mode fibers. They can be used synchronously during science observations or asynchronously during daytime calibrations. A hollow cathode lamp (HCL) and a series of gas absorption cells provide absolute calibration from 0.98 {\mu}m to 2.5 {\mu}m. A laser frequency comb (LFC) provides stable, time-independent wavelength information during observation and CAL implements a lower finesse astro-etalon as a backup for the LFC. Design lessons from instrumentation like HISPEC will serve to inform the requirements for similar instruments for the ELTs in the future.
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